Implementation of a system for optimization of the HR management, provision of safe and healthy labor conditions and improvement of the labor microclimate for the workers and officers of Inter Expo Centre EOOD

The project focuses on optimization of the HR management, provision of safe and healthy labor conditions and improvement of the labor ambience, professional and health status and includes several basic items aimed to provide better labor conditions for the workers and officers of Inter Expo Centre EOOD. The project complies both the necessities of the company and goals of the Operational Programme “Human Recourses Development”, European and national strategic documents regulating intelligent, steady and integrating growth. Activities provided by the project apply horizontal principles of the equal possibilities, non-discrimination and steady development. Project provides for activities towards implementation of flexible modes of employment – installation of a system for monitoring of the worked-out time. Project provides also improvement of the labor ambience through purchase and installation of: air-condition appliances, air-conditioners, ergonomic office chairs, lighting, dust-collectors and cleaning machines for coarse particles; replacement of palette carts and purchase of security line. Project also provides for improvement of the labor conditions through purchase of individual protective equipment and special working clothes for the respective positions, where necessary. A special education is planned for the employees about preventing the specific health risks on any individual working place. Social assets will be provided for the employees - special premises will be set apart for shore and/or long break, rest, having meal or doing some sports. The project will affect positively the motivation and productivity of the target group which includes all 73 employees of the Company, 13 of which - above 54 years of age. All the time of performing the project there will be activities for managing the project as well as activities for informing and publicity. All through the term of the project which is 15 months, the rules of publicity will be followed.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 05 Jun, 2017
End date 05 Jun, 2018
Contract date 05 Jun, 2017
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 342,126.00
Grant 342,126.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 330,522.27
EU participation percent 85.0%
