The activities in this project proposal are aimed at improving the working environment at Heli -N Ltd., by providing good and safe working conditions by purchasing of Personal protective equipment and equipment for collective protection, as well as providing benefits for workers by purchasing and equipping the mobile space for rest, nutrition and recreation for workers, which will lead to the efficient organization of work, will improve the quality of jobs and will reflect positively on labor productivity in the organization. Project activities and their results will cover 7 Pcs. current employees of the company (from total 8). Among those employees working at Heli-H Ltd, involved as a target group for this project are persons who are over the age of '54 (1 Pcs.), who is also a person with disabilities and one more 1 Pcs. with disabilities. In this regard, project activities are also directed to this specific target group, as a result, they will be provided with safe and healthy working conditions, and will ensure adequate access for disabled persons to employment, consistent with their specific needs. The project will also create conditions for reconciliation of private and family life and work by implementation of planned project activity 5. All project activities are directed towards the implementation of measures to promote the development of environmental policies on climate change, resource efficiency through the purchase of personal and collective protective equipment in accordance with European and national standards in the field, which in is fully in line with the ongoing company policy for environmental protection. In addition, the employer Heli - H Ltd. will maintain the employment of at least 50% of the target group involved in the project for a period of 6 months after completion of the project activities.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 01 Jun, 2017 |
End date | 01 Sep, 2017 |
Contract date | 30 May, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 195,500.00 |
Grant | 195,500.00 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 195,243.02 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |