This project proposal is aimed at improving the work environment in Biostroy Ltd. by providing safe working conditions, efficient and resourceful HR management, which will have a positive impact on the quality of work places and labor productivity.The activities are set to build an infrastructural and organizational environment for HR management which will upgrade the existing one through: -Introduction of organizational improvements for HR management as a factor for increasing the effectiveness and motivation of workers, reduction of fatigue, workforce turnover, occupational diseases and work accidents -Introduction of labor organization measures, aimed at ensuring resource efficiency, increase productivity and protection of the environment through reconciliation of work and private lives of employees and provision of a fulfilling professional life of the older workers -Improvement of the quality of the workplace by maintaining the facilities in compliance to the regulatory requirements and the requirement of the company policy on working conditions and provision of improvements towards protection and prevention of occupational accidents and diseases -Increase of safety, adaptability and productivity of employees by providing new and better PPE and SWC, which will raise security, motivation and working conditions -Improvement of the microclimate and work environment through investing in means of collective protection aimed at preventing identified risks and in cleaner technologies that will contribute for the preservation of the environment. -Social benefits and training aimed at improving the quality of the workplaces as a result of correctly identified needs of the employees to develop their skills - personal, social, professional and specific to particular workplace -Promotion of social adaptation and cohesion of the employees, as well as reinforcing personal responsibility for ensuring healthy and safe working conditions and environmental protection
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 06 Jun, 2018 |
End date | 31 Dec, 2018 |
Contract date | 06 Jun, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 303,694.00 |
Grant | 242,955.20 |
Self finance | 60,738.80 |
Total paid | 239,301.14 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |