Improving the Quality of the Working places in "ELDOMINVEST" Ltd.

The project is implemented by procedure BG05M9OP0011.008 "WORKING CONDITIONS – HEALTH AND SAFETY" and aims to improve the micro climate and working conditions in "ELDOMINVEST" LTD. For the realization of the main objectives of the project are provided for the following activities: 1. Activity: Organization and management of the project 2. Activity: Information and publicity 3. Activity 1: Development, adaptation and implementation of systems for human resource development in enterprises, incl. flexible forms of employment opportunities in order to optimize work processes, focusing on practices to facilitate the reconciliation of work, family and private life and extend the working life of older employees. 4. Activity 3.1: Providing the resources for collective protection. Sub-activity 1. "Improvement of lighting" 5. Activity 3.1: Providing the resources for collective protection. Sub-activity 2. "Ventilation" 6. Activity 3.2 Purchase of PPE and special clothing. 7. Activity 4: Provide social benefits - building elements of accessible working environment The activities provided in the proposal will contribute to increase the efficiency of work, adapting management processes within the organization to regulate the labor and building a modern human resources managing system, increasing productivity, motivation and commitment of employees.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 08 Jun, 2017
End date 08 Sep, 2018
Contract date 08 Jun, 2017
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 322,239.00
Grant 257,791.20
Self finance 64,447.80
Total paid 257,584.77
EU participation percent 85.0%
