Better working conditions in Telecabelstroy EOOD

The main demand of Telecabelstroy EOOD, which will be achieved by this project is the need to increase crop safety and health of employees and ensuring the prevention of occupational and health risks in the company. The overall objective of the project is to improve the working environment in Telecabelstroy EOOD, by introducing effective forms of work organization and human resource management and provide good and safe working conditions. The specific objectives are: - To reduce the number of occupational accidents and diseases; - To optimize working conditions by buying collective redress; - To improve the policy on health and safety culture in the company and in situations of employment; - To increase motivation and satisfaction of employees by introducing flexible forms of employment, thereby extending the working life of older employees; - To improve the quality of life and work in the enterprise by repairing and equipping the dining room and recreational activities to facilitate the access of the disabled person. The selected target group includes all 38 employees of the company, as people over 54 years involved in the project are 4 people and people with disabilities - 1. Project activities are: organization and management, information and publicity, as well as activities related to the introduction of systems for human resource development and standard of safety, trainings, purchase of personal protective equipment and special clothing, means of collective protection and access by the disabled person in the company. As a result, the project will improve productivity and introduce new systems and practices in the field of social policy and responsibility of the company, new processes for safe and healthy working conditions, will enhance the quality of work and will ensure maximum protection of the employees.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 31 May, 2017
End date 30 Nov, 2018
Contract date 31 May, 2017
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 135,123.40
Grant 135,123.40
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 106,055.13
EU participation percent 85.0%
