"Good working environment and better jobs at "ASG SECURITY" Ltd."

The realization of the current project aims at improving the working environment for ASG SECURITY Ltd.’s employees at the city of Sofia (85 persons, incl. 57 over the age of 54 and one disabled person) through identifying their needs and problems and implementing measures intended to solve these problems. In order that the aims, pursued by the company’s development strategy, are achieved, a human resource management informational system, reflecting the specific characteristics of the personnel’s structure, is going to be created and introduced. Another investment, achieved through the project activities execution, is going to be the investment in human capital through innovative measures for obtaining “green” working skills in support of the increasing of the elder employees’ working life. The project’s realization will also improve the professional and health status of parts of the target group through improvement of the microclimate. In order that motivation is increased and stress is reduced, leisure and sports areas as well as securing access for disabled employees are envisaged under the project. The creation of social benefits is fully oriented towards satisfying the target group’s needs for reconciliation of private and professional life. The result, expected from the project activities execution, is improvement of the quality of the working places in the enterprise alongside with satisfaction of ASG SECURITY’s needs for long-term increase of the employees’ labor productivity. The main activities under the project are: 1. DEVELOPMENT AND INTRODUCTION OF SOFTWARE; 2. FLEXIBLE EMPLOYMENT AND “GREEN” WORKING PLACES; 3. PROVIDING OF COLLECTIVE PROTECTION DEVICES; 4. ENLARGEMENT AND MODERNISATION OF FITNESS AND SPORTS HALL; 5. EQUIPMENT OF MOBILE PREMISES FOR SHORT REST AND DINING; 6. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION; 7. ORGANISATION AND MANAGEMENT.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 18 May, 2017
End date 18 Nov, 2018
Contract date 18 May, 2017
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 388,880.00
Grant 388,880.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 383,614.25
EU participation percent 85.0%
