Good and Safe working conditions at Stivo X Ltd

All planned activities in the proposal are consistent with the overall objective with the Operational Programme “Human Resource Development 2014 – 2020” – improving the quality of life of people in Bulgaria by providing improved and safer working conditions, as well as efficient and flexible organization or work, human resource management and working conditions. The company will implement the procedure within the framework of Priority Axis 1 “Improving the access to employment and the quality of jobs” of the Operational Programme “Human Resource Development” as an opportunity to align the quality of work at Stivo X Ltd. with the standards and requirements of the European market, and to improve the organization of work of the human resources. This project proposition aims to implement the following activities: 1. Development, adaptation and implementation of systems for human resource development, including flexible forms of employment in order to optimize business processes, focused on practices that will improve the work-life balance and will extend the working life of older employees. Introduction of innovative models for work organization that will increase productivity and will ensure environmental protection. 2. Providing safe and healthy working conditions that will improve employees’ professional and health statuses through: 2.1 Providing collective means of protection, including modernization and/ or reconstruction for safety reasons existing facilities, processes, plant and equipment that will lead to improvement of the work conditions. 2.2 Purchasing of personal protective equipment and special clothing. 2.3 Employee training on specific health risks associated with the workplace and methods for their containment. 2.4 Training all employees to work safely with the newly introduced work equipment. 3. Providing benefits to employees, including repair and equipping of the recreation and eating areas in the company, sport facilities, etc.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 23 May, 2017
End date 23 Apr, 2018
Contract date 23 May, 2017
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 102,283.33
Grant 102,283.33
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 89,392.36
EU participation percent 85.0%

