Good and Safe Working Conditions at "Metalik" AD

In the last years in the country there are more and more companies, regardless of their economic sphere of activity, that pay serious attention to improving the working environment, ensuring better health and safety protection of their employees and provide more and more diverse social benefits. The project proposal "Good and Safe Working Conditions at Metallic AD is "directed towards all of the employees of the company, focusing on improving their working environment by creating better conditions for recreation, nutrition and rest and improving safety and health protecting work conditions by providing more modern, better health protecting and more comfortable for work specialized clothing and footwear. The company has a strategic goal to increase its competitiveness and to protect the environment, to improve the working conditions and to create conditions for reduction of occupational accidents and diseases of its staff, which are the main objectives of this project proposal. The activities which will be implemented in order to achieve these goals are related to: ensuring safe and healthy work, improvement of work conditions and health status of the employees and provide social benefits for employees. The implementation of the project activities will result in: provision of 450 employed workerswith better quality and durable clothing (winter and summer) and safety shoes, which provides better protection and comfort at work; and equipment of 5 area for dining and recreation on the premises; With the implementation of the project activities the company will improve the quality of work and productivity of the target group, which will lead to higher motivation, personal satisfaction and confidence of employees in the company.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 09 Jun, 2017
End date 09 Jun, 2018
Contract date 09 Jun, 2017
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 191,500.00
Grant 153,200.00
Self finance 38,300.00
Total paid 149,581.62
EU participation percent 85.0%
