Better and safer working conditions in Linforest Ltd

The project aims to improve the working environment in Linforest Ltd., by providing better and safer working conditions and improve the labour organisation and human resources management, which in turn is expected to improve the productivity, resource optimization and greater productivity. The specific objectives of the project are: - To improve the work organisation and introduce practices to extend the working life of older workers (over 54 years) and improve the balance personal-professional life for parents with children in Lnforest Ltd., through the introduction of flexible forms of employment -To introduce environment protection policies in the company - To improve the working conditions and health status of the employees by providing high-end personal and collective protective equipment for improving the working environment in accordance with the prescriptions of the risk assessment in the company -To Improve the working conditions, increase the motivation and productivity of employees by providing organised transport and creating premises for short-term recreation and sports as a social asset. The selected target group includes all 17 company employees, of which 8 aged more than 54. Project activities include organisation and management; information and publicity; improving work organisation, optimization of resources used and flexible employment; creating rooms for short-term recreation and dining and sports. The project implementation will contribute to the overall improvement organization within the company and increasing resource efficiency, improving the health status of employees and the effectiveness of their work and consequently improve the competitiveness of the company.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 01 Jul, 2017
End date 31 Dec, 2018
Contract date 22 May, 2017
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 64,400.00
Grant 64,400.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 59,079.44
EU participation percent 85.0%


Sofia (BG412)