Improving the labour conditions in Castello precast Ltd

The implementation of this project will contribute for satisfying the needs of the company for providing adequate labour conditions and prevention of occupational and health risks in the company. The overall objective of the project is to increase the productivity and optimise the efficiency of Castelo PRECAST Ltd., through the introduction of effective forms of work organisation and human resource management and improving the working conditions. Project activities include: organisation and management, information and publicity, activities related to the development and introduction of human resources development systems and policy for environmental protection, provision of personal protective equipment and special clothing, and better and safer means for collective defence,organised transport for the employees. The activities proposed under the project are in full compliance with the overall objective of the OP Human Resources Development 2014-2020 - for improving the quality of life of people in Bulgaria by providing good and safe working conditions as well as efficient and flexible forms of work organisation, human resource management and working conditions also are under Priority axis 1 of the OPHRD "Improving the access to employment and job quality" by assisting Castelo PRECAST Ltd. to achieve compliance with the standards and requirements of the European market and improve the organisation of human resources. The selected target group includes all 70 employees of the company, 9 of them over 54 years. As a result the project will contribute for improved the productivity and motivation of the employees, maximum safety and protection for the employees, environment protection.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 01 Jun, 2017
End date 31 Dec, 2018
Contract date 31 May, 2017
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 324,532.00
Grant 324,532.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 301,248.23
EU participation percent 85.0%
