The main goal of the project is to improve the working environment at “Leonardo” Ltd by providing a better and safer labor conditions and implementing effective new forms of organizing the working methods and for human resource management. Specific goals of the project: 1) To introduce flexible forms of employment for reconciliation of the professional and private life ; 2) Improving the working environment by purchasing of specialized working clothing , personal and collective safety equipment , which shall lead to minimizing of the risks at the working area and therefore to decreasing of the morbidity of the group; 3) The work culture to be increased and respectively to decrease the risks from occupational injuries on the working place by conducting a specific education sessions in respect of the improvement of the working environment; 4) Creating social benefits as well as conditions for effective rest and relaxation of the workers. It is envisaged for the execution of the described goals the following activities to be to be fulfilled. Activity 1 Management of the project Activity 2 Human resource Management Activity 3 Purchasing of collective protective means Activity 4 Providing special clothing and personal protective equipment Activity 5 Conducting trainings for improving the safety at work Activity 6 Equipment for rooms for rest Activity 7 Providing publicity and visualization It is intended the project to be fulfilled for the period of 15 months. It is planned the project to improve the working environment of 89 employed and self-employed persons , among which 3 to be of age above 54 and 1 - reassigned.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 22 May, 2017 |
End date | 22 Aug, 2018 |
Contract date | 22 May, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 153,600.00 |
Grant | 153,600.00 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 153,592.94 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |