New opportunities to improve health and safety in Rubella Beauty AG

The project New opportunities to improve health and safety in Rubella Beauty AD is aimed at improving working conditions in production facilities of the applicant, located in the city. Roudozem and risk prevention in the performance of work activities in the company. Rubella Beauty AD is a leading Bulgarian cosmetics producer with more than 30 years of experience and tradition in the production and marketing of hygienic and cosmetic products. It employs 222 persons employees of different positions, 41 of which are older than '54 and 5 disabled workers. In the project proposal foresees the development of a strategy for human resources management, focused on people aged over '54 ; purchase of personal protective equipment and special clothing; building fire extinguishing system and ventilation with heat pumps, under pt. 15 and so on. 1 of the Notes to the activity 3.1. the conditions for application of this procedure well and safety working conditions inexhaustible list of measures for reconstruction / upgrading of facilities and equipment suitable for purchasing means of collective defense, according to the identified risks; publicity and management. These risks are identified and listed in the approved program by the Applicant to minimize the risk, which is an integral part of this project proposal. The target group that is focused project covers all employees and is described in Item. 11 of this form. The expected results of the implementation of activities under the project proposal related to: ensure safe working conditions and preventing the risk of accidents; increased security at work; better organization of work; increased quality of jobs and collective consequence - increased satisfaction and level of sustainable employment for staff; increased productivity and competitiveness in the company. The project duration is twelve months and is worth the 390 700

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 19 May, 2017
End date 19 May, 2018
Contract date 19 May, 2017
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 390,700.00
Grant 390,700.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 386,912.50
EU participation percent 85.0%

