Good and safe working conditions at "Roads and bridges" Ltd.

The overall objective of the project proposal is to improve the working environment and quality of jobs in Roads and Bridges Ltd., through: development and introduction of a labor organization system, consideration of flexitime, measures to extend working life schemes regarding of an employment; optimization tools for internal communication, creation and implementation of a handbook for "green practices"; minimization of the risks to workers' health and improvment of the microclimate in the company through the purchase of personal protective equipment and devices of collective protection, providing sustainable employment and preserve jobs by providing organized transport; preserving the health of workers and increase their personal motivation by providment of dining - recreation room and room for sports activities, as well as providing access to employees with disabilities in connection with the specifics of their workplace. The implementation of activities designed to achieve the set objectives by implementing the new results will contribute to achieving the indicators project. The project is aimed at implementation of measures to meet the needs of the target group, which includes all 327 company employees, of which 157 persons over in 54 and 16 disabled persons; introduction of a system for managing human resources directed towards flexible forms of employment and extending the working lives of workers over 54 years, organization of work and working process, introduction of safety; practices to promote geographical mobility; measures improvement of social and living conditions. As a result of the project the working conditions in the enterprise will improve and it will increase the motivation of the target group in order to ensure the company's sustainability of jobs which will lead to positive effect on productivity.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 07 Jun, 2017
End date 31 Dec, 2018
Contract date 08 Jun, 2017
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 256,464.50
Grant 205,171.60
Self finance 51,292.90
Total paid 203,220.46
EU participation percent 85.0%


Varna (BG331)