Safety-health and working conditions in "Bultem" Ltd

This project will be implemented by „BULTEM" LTD. The company meets the general and specific requirements for eligibility of applicants in this proceeding. Overall objective: improving the quality of work environment in „BULTEM" LTD, by providing safety-health and working conditions /SHWC/, as well as efficient and flexible forms of work organization and human resource management /HRM/, which in turn is expected to improve the quality of jobs and to reflect positively on labor productivity in the company. Specific objectives: • Optimization of business processes, introduction of flexible forms of employment and other practices for easier reconciliation of professional and private life • Provision of software for HR management for the needs of the enterprise • Introducing an innovative model for labor organization, aimed at increasing productivity and environmental protection • Providing safe and healthy working conditions and improvement of professional and health status of workers and employees by installation of gravimetric automatic dosing system for protection from dust, toxic and other harmful substances in a workshop for production of PVC • Providing social benefits for workers by repairing and equipment of a dining-site and a place for a short rest and ensuring access for people with disabilities To achieve planned results, by the implementation of the project is expected to be completed the following activities: • Organization and Management • Development, adaptation and implementation of systems for the development of HR • Providing SHWC and improving working and health status of employees • Providing social benefits for workers • Information and publicity Total eligible costs: 176 000.00 leva Grant amount: 176 000.00 leva (100%) Duration: 18 months Expected results: improved quality of the working environment in BFG, provided SHWC in the company; increased public awareness of the EU financial contribution to the project.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 06 Jun, 2017
End date 06 Nov, 2018
Contract date 06 Jun, 2017
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 175,027.78
Grant 175,027.78
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 173,889.50
EU participation percent 85.0%
