‘New processes for a healthier and safer work environment and effective work flow organisation at ‘Inzhstroy’ EOOD, Pleven"

‘Inzhstroy’ EOOD was registered in 1997 as a limited company under the Economical code of conduct:2008:42.11.The primary activities of the company are:1) The new build of street pavement, including the installation of sewage, plumbing, gas and heating systems.2. Full refurbishment and ongoing maintenance of streets and pavement areas.3. Services related to roadwork and construction equipment for third party companies 4. Production of asphalt concrete.‘Inzhstroy’ EOOD has its own asphalt manufacturing facilities in-house which closes the entire cycle from production to the layering of the asphalt.The objectives as part of the current project are:1. Organisation of the working schedule and the workplace processes.2. To provide adequate social benefits for the workforce, including the refurbishment and equipment of the canteen and recreational areas.3.To Provide safer work environment and to ensure workforce protection.44. To provide adequate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and/or specialised uniforms. 5.To improve the work processes in order to enhance the health and safety standards.The successful implementation of the above objectives will lead to: Improved work conditions with the main focus being on the prevention of accidents and work-related illnesses.. Improved physical and mental health of the workforce as a result of a healthier and safer work environment.. Improved staff morale through reduced workplace stress. Increased length of service and increased employment, focussing on those aged 54 and above.Encouraging the implementation of health and safety measures at the workplace /directive 89/391 of the EU/ Environmental protection – ‘Inzhstroy’ EOOD endeavours to control the workplace health and safety standards in line with the international and European requirements, such as BS BS OHSAS 18001 standard and through environmental protection. This is also included in the company’s code of conduct.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 01 Jun, 2017
End date 01 Oct, 2018
Contract date 18 May, 2017
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 340,831.60
Grant 272,665.28
Self finance 68,166.32
Total paid 262,700.28
EU participation percent 85.0%
