ARZ whit new innovative model for safe and ecological work

The implementation of this project involves the development and implementation of a new organization of work, improving safety, health at work and social benefits. It is aimed at all employees in the AVIOREMONTEN ZAVOD Ltd (aircraft repair plant LTD). The project envisages implementation of a set of activities through which to achieve: 1. Introduction of an innovative organization performance labor tasks, including creating conditions for flexible working time limits and balancing work with personal and family commitments; 2. Reduction of risks at work by implementing priority to collective protection, combined with modern PPE and special clothing; 3. Creating suitable conditions for recreation, nutrition and rest and environmentally improved sanitary conditions for staff. These activities are intended to organize, manage and implement on their own with Project Team and attracted experienced Coordinator . The team performed a similar project with its own funding to improve working conditions in the main hall. Organization of the team and management of the project is described as a separate optional activity. Some of the activities providing construction works will be performed by workers employed under an employment contract. Another part of the services, supplies and works will be entrusted to external contractors, the selection of which will be implemented in accordance with the requirements of ZUSESIF and regulations to it. In implementing the entire project will fulfill the requirements for information and publicity, which are described as separate binding activity. All activities of the project team will be in full compliance with horizontal policies and principles for ensuring equal opportunities and non-discrimination, gender equality and sustainable development. It is envisaged that strict enforcement of the Administrative contract and instructions of the Managing Authority.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 15 Jun, 2017
End date 15 Sep, 2018
Contract date 23 May, 2017
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 242,657.36
Grant 242,657.36
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 238,419.18
EU participation percent 85.0%
