This project offer is focused on improving the quality of the workplaces, of the employees’ welfare and increasing the productivity of ITW Ispra Controls Bulgaria EOOD (the Company) by planning and implementation of measures for increasing the safety level on the workplace and providing benefits to Company’s employees in accordance with the specific objectives of OP 1 HRD. The achievement of this purpose will have a direct positive impact on the target groups, more specifically by increasing the safety level for the employees by the following planned complex activities: - Purchase of personal protective equipment, special clothing and collective protective equipment; - Modernization of collective protective equipment against microclimate; - Implementing a new for the Company model for work organization by introducing a management system - Provision of collective fire-protection equipment; - Provision of collective protection equipment for electrostatic charges; - Provision and equipment of recreation places. Target groups: The total number employees to be covered by the proposed activities is 350. This number includes 59 people over 54 years of age and 23 people with disabilities. The Company is willing to improve the working environment for all employees. The main results that will be achieved through the implementation of the project include real-assured and modern protection from a higher level of the employees’ health and safety and improvement of their satisfaction and well-being and hence their motivation through the provided social benefits. The positive effect will result in improved labor efficiency and productivity in the Company.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 23 May, 2017 |
End date | 23 Aug, 2018 |
Contract date | 23 May, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 342,987.00 |
Grant | 274,389.60 |
Self finance | 68,597.40 |
Total paid | 258,309.52 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |