Improving the working environment in "Panchim" Ltd. by providing good and safe working conditions

The current project proposal is aimed at improving the working environment by providing good and safe working conditions for all employees of Panchim Ltd., improving the organization of labor and human resources management. The target group of the project are 156 employees of the company with particular emphasis on people over 54 years. For the achievement of the described aims are foreseen the following activities: 1) Development of a program to optimize the management and development of human resources in the enterprise and introduce innovative model of work organization aimed at raising productivity and environmental protection; 2) Implementation of software covering the management and development of human resources in the company; 3) Provide organized transport to and from the workplace for employees Panchim Ltd. living outside Hrishteni.; 4) Providing adequate collective protective equipment, increasing worker safety and their health status; 5) Provide PPE and special work clothes for the employees of the company; 6) Acquisition of standard safety - OHSAS 18001: 2007; 7) Provide special benefits for workers - renovation and equipment of facilities for recreation facilities; 8) Provide special benefits for workers - renovation and equipment of sports facilities and playground; All activities are tailored to the needs of the target groups and will lead to results directly related to the implementation of the project's aims.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 29 May, 2017
End date 29 Jul, 2018
Contract date 29 May, 2017
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 429,752.68
Grant 343,802.14
Self finance 85,950.54
Total paid 322,979.56
EU participation percent 85.0%


South-East (BG34)