Achievement of Sustainable and Quality Employment by Improving the Attractiveness of Professions with Shortage of Supply on the Labour Market in Key Sectors of the Bulgarian Economy

The project with which the BICA applies for a grant from OPHRD aims at creating a model that addresses the imbalance between demand and supply of skilled workforce in key sectors of the Bulgarian economy according to the Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialization 2014- 2020. The activities are not economic in their nature and will contribute to formulating and implementing policies on the labour market through joint actions of public authorities and social partners. Activities that will be implemented under the project are aimed at: increasing the economic activeness of employees and job seekers and at the same time at improving the access to employment for unemployed persons and support the voluntary geographical and occupational mobility of the workforce; at providing opportunities for employees, enterprises and entrepreneurs more easily to adapt to the changing needs of the economy and the labour market, including the development of knowledge and skills according to the demand, key skills and competences, introduction of new forms of labour organization and promotion of geographical and occupational mobility; and modernization of labour market institutions. The project comprises of seven activities, of which two are mandatory by the Guidelines for Applicant: project management and activities for information and publicity. The core activities concerning its implementation and realizing its goals are five and aimed at developing a Rating system to measure the attractiveness of professions in four pilot sectors that are key for Bulgarian economy, development of motivational packages to attract job seekers to demanded professions on the labour market, development and piloting methodologies for linking wages to labour force productivity, introduction of innovative CSR practices and institutionalization of the achieved results through training of Employment Agency's staff.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 02 Jan, 2017
End date 31 Dec, 2018
Contract date 19 Dec, 2016
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 2,324,300.00
Grant 2,324,300.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 2,266,920.88
EU participation percent 85.0%
