"Providing flexible employment opportunities and improving the professional qualification in" FOODSTEP "Ltd."

The project "Provision of flexible employment opportunities and improving the professional qualification in" FOODSTEP "Ltd." main objective "To create opportunities for vocational training and employment for unemployed and / or inactive and employed in restaurants and catering." To achieve the overall objective formulated the following specific objectives: 1. To allow for the formation of new knowledge and skills and professional qualification of 26 unemployed / inactive and 4 employed in the promising area for professional development, such as restaurants and providing catering. 2. To allow for the formation of key competencies for communication in a foreign language on a total of 20 unemployed / inactive. 3. Ensure flexible employment and career of 26 unemployed / unemployed people in the restaurant business. These objectives will be achieved by implementing the following activities: 1.Selection unemployed / inactive people and employed for inclusion in project activities; 2.Conducts training for acquiring professional qualification of selected persons 3.Training in key competence 2 "Foreign Language" 4.Insurance of non-subsidized employment for unemployed and / or inactive in "FOODSTEP" LTD. With the implementation of these actions will achieve the following measurable results: -1 business from the city. Sofia will reveal 26 new jobs -Total 30 persons (15 unemployed / inactive and 11 unemployed youth up to 29 years and 4-employed) will improve their professional qualifications and gain a testimony of II-nd degree -20 Unemployed / inactive and / or up to 29 years. They will undergo training in English -On 15 unemployed / inactive and 11 unemployed youth up to 29 years their will employment be provided for a period of three months. -At Least 7 unemployed / inactive people will be guaranteed to maintain employment after the project.

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Status Terminated (termination date)
Start date 04 Aug, 2017
End date 04 Aug, 2018
Contract date 04 Aug, 2017
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 101,380.20
Grant 101,380.20
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
