Increasing knowledge and skills of employees in the health sector - the European way to modern, effective and quality healthcare

The present project aims at achieving sustainable employment, increasing the adaptability and competitiveness of the staff of "Multiprofile hospital for active treatment and women health Nadezhda" OOD by developing and improving their professional and key skills. The project proposal is fully in line with the Europe 2020 Strategy and the PA 9 of the European Strategy for the Development of the Danube Region. The main activities envisaged in the project will contribute to the better and more efficient use of labor potential in the economy (objectives set in the National Development Program and the National Health Strategy). According to the NDP, achieving more balanced growth will be achieved by activating and providing a workforce ready to employ quality (high labor force and high added value) jobs; Higher labor productivity for employees by increasing knowledge and skills; Anticipating training to provide the necessary workforce in view of future labor market needs - objectives to which the interventions foreseen in the project proposal are also targeted. The project envisages contributing to the implementation of health priorities in the NDP and NHS (Improving Public Expenditure and Ensuring Reallocation of Public Expenditure to Activities Enhancing the Growth Potential of the Economy). The management of the company places the following activities for the realization of this project: - Improvement of the professional qualification of 30 persons through part-time training; - Acquisition of key competences of 234 employees; - Raising employers' awareness of the positive effect of employee investment; - Organization and successful management of project activities The successful implementation of the planned activities relies on the financial support of the ESF, through the "Employee Training" procedure under OP "Human Resources Development".

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 01 May, 2018
End date 30 Jun, 2019
Contract date 27 Feb, 2018
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 199,980.00
Grant 199,980.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 194,590.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
