Improvement of the access to employment and the quality of the workplace by enhancing the qualification of the employees in "Elex Trade" Ltd.

Elex Trade Ltd. was established in 2014. Since its establishment to this day, it has relied on quality services, which offers to his clients. The company's activities are directly related to production and commercial support to enterprises, consisting in construction, repair of machinery and equipment, as well as activities supporting the customer's production processes. The management of the company realizes that human resources are the most important for an enterprise. "Elex Trade" Ltd. is constantly making efforts to improve the qualifications of its employees. In connection with the expansion of the company and the necessity of increasing the qualification of the employees, the management of the company has decided to apply for this procedure. The main objective of the project proposal is to increase the qualification of the employees in the company. As a result, the competitiveness of the company will increase, which in turn will lead to an increase in revenues, which will directly benefit the employees. The activity through which the objectives will be achieved is: 1. Providing vocational training to acquire or enhance the professional qualification of seventeen employees; The total number of employees to be trained is seventeen.

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Status Terminated (termination date)
Start date 07 Mar, 2018
End date 30 Jun, 2019
Contract date 07 Mar, 2018
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 22,440.00
Grant 22,440.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
