BALKAM GROUP is the largest producer of coffee in the Balkans. More than 18 years the company builds a reputation based on quality, professionalism and innovation. High technology equipment and production resources provide the opportunity to cook, pack and sell ready-made coffee, which meets the world's requirements and standards. With its long history BALKAM has succeeded in building strong market positions and a reputation among its customers. To achieve its goals, the company realizes that people are the most valuable resource The company's priority will be if its employees can easily communicate in the language of their partners and customers and increase their ability and adaptability to meet the rapidly changing economic changes in the business climate and The requirements for the cadres.The company wishes to provide its employees with the opportunity to learn, update their knowledge, skills, competences and then establish them in the process of work.The main Code of Economic Activity of the company is 10.83 -Coffee and Tea Processing - with 85% share and 46.37- Wholesale of coffee, tea,cocoa and spices-15%. Although the main activity of the company is in the priority sector of the economy, the management develops the project in the non-priority sector and undertakes to select a target group of employees, with 50% they have completed a lower education level than ISCED4. For 150 employees of the company will be organized And for 70 of them will be included in foreign language training. The project envisages the following activities: 1) Providing of vocational training for acquiring or increasing of professional qualification of employed persons will be carried out 3 Type training for professions-Auction. Representative, Food Processing Worker, Technician Food and Beverage Quality Technologist, and 2) Key Learning Skills. Competencies of Employees in Key Competency 2 "Foreign Language Communication" - English. Project implementation period: 16 months.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 19 Feb, 2018 |
End date | 30 Jun, 2019 |
Contract date | 19 Feb, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 311,300.00 |
Grant | 311,300.00 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 307,780.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |