Trainings for improving the adaptivity and competitiveness of the employees in Transpres Ltd.

Transpres Ltd. is operating commercially since 1996, performing express shipping of goods nationally and internationally. Transpres Ltd. is one of the founders of The National Association of the Bulgarian Road Carriers. In 2002 the company has opened an office in Stuttgart, Germany, which is an important link with the foreign partners and serves as place securing logistic network within whole Western Europe. The company has a well-developed logistic network in Bulgaria, operating warehouses in the cities of Ruse, Veliko Tarnovo, Varna, Burgas, Stara Zagora, Plovdiv and Shumen and local representatives in 20 more cities. The company has a distribution network operating with local couriers’ in 45 towns in Bulgaria. Currently the company is employing 198 persons, and the focus is set on improving the overall quality of the workforce. Transpres Ltd. has long-lasting company policy for providing trainings and secures opportunities for professional development in full accordance to the national laws and regulations. Also, they are in direct response to the need for higher productivity, adaptability of the workforce and respectively its competitiveness in the context of the strategy goals of strategy Europe 2020. With this project proposal Transpres Ltd. wants to secure: - Securing training for a professional qualification for 50 persons from the target group - Securing training for acquiring a Core competence 2 “Communicating in foreign languages” for 145 persons from the target group - Securing training for acquiring a Core competence 4 “Digital skills” for 30 persons from the target group In this project are included activities related to its organization and management and actions for providing information and securing publicity. In all project activities are included measures for implementing the horizontal principles for equal opportunities and non-discrimination, gender equality and sustainable development.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 12 Mar, 2018
End date 30 Jun, 2019
Contract date 12 Mar, 2018
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 181,000.00
Grant 90,500.00
Self finance 90,500.00
Total paid 52,750.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
