The objective of the present project "Acquisition of professional qualification and key competencies of the employees in" Veselina-Bis "Ltd is to increase the professional qualification and the skills for communication in foreign language to the employees as sales-consultant employees in Veselina - BIS Ltd. In order to realize this goal it is planned to include them in professional training in the specialty "Wholesale and retail" and training on key competences "Communication in foreign languages". In drawing up this project proposal, besides the needs of the company and the specific identified needs of the target group representatives, were taken into account, namely: quality and long-term employment, acquisition of knowledge, corresponding to the occupation, motivation for work, communication with clients of foreign language. Through the realization of its specific objective, the project will contribute to the motivation and competitiveness of the employees of Veselina-Bis Ltd. and hence to increase the efficiency of their work according to the dynamic working environment. This project aims to realize the following main activities of the project: Activity 1: Conducting Vocational Training for Employees in Vesselina - Bis Ltd Activity 2: Conduct training on key competence 2 "Communication in foreign languages" Target group in the project proposal will be the persons employed in the company "Vesselina-Bis" OOD of the position "Seller-consultant" and others, which are 60 people. Through the implementation of these actions will achieve the following measurable results: Through the implementation of these actions will achieve the following measurable results: - 60 persons, employed in the company, will be trained in a third qualification degree in "Sales Representative" in "Wholesale and Retail"; - 60 persons employed in the company will be trained on Key Competence 2 "Communication in Foreign Languages" - English language.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 25 Apr, 2018 |
End date | 25 Aug, 2019 |
Contract date | 25 Apr, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 165,000.00 |
Grant | 165,000.00 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 163,460.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |