Develop knowledge to manage the future

The First Investment bank (Fibank) project proposal is aimed at improving labor productivity and creating sustainable employment for employees of the financial institution through trainings that contribute to increasing the ability of its employees to face the dynamic changes in the banking sector and the current needs of the bank. Within the project 450 employees from Fibank will receive training as follows: 210 employees of key competence 2 "Foreign language communication" (in English courses with a duration of not less than 300 hours and three levels of training for each trainee) and 240 employees of key competency 4 "Digital competence" (8 different subjects / courses each with a duration of not less than 45 teaching hours per trainee). The planned trainings will include employees from the central management of Fibank in Sofia and the bank branches of the bank in Blagoevgrad, Burgas, Varna, Pleven, Plovdiv, Rousse and Stara Zagora. The trainees occupy different positions from different hierarchical levels of the candidate: specialists, expert staff, heads of units, directors of directorates, office managers, etc. Design courses fully comply with the needs of Fibank as an employer as well as the specifics of the Bank's activities and are an integral part of the duties of the representatives of the target groups. The training's will be carried out by a contractor selected under ZUSESIF and MCD 160 / 07.01.2016 on the conditions and procedures for determining the contractor by beneficiaries of grants given, and according to the instructions of the Guide for beneficiaries. Successfully completed courses with a proven presence of at least 80% of the coursework for the relevant training and with a final test will receive a document (s), certifying the completed training.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 25 Apr, 2018
End date 25 Jun, 2019
Contract date 25 Apr, 2018
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 227,700.00
Grant 227,700.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 224,345.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
