With this project proposal the company aims to overcome problems related to the lack of qualification of some of the people employed at "Salamandar ASO" OOD or related to the need their qualification to be improved. Thus the company is going to provide the employed the opportunity to adapt to the changes on the labour market by acquiring "usable" knowledge and skills and create the conditions for job sustainability and improvement of the quality of jobs. The target group of the project consists of 106 employees of "Salamandar ASO" OOD who are directly involved in the main activity of the company, which is armed and unarmed physical guarding of industrial enterprises, hospitals, educational institutions, customs, banks, public buildings, motorways, objects of diplomatic corpses, hotels and offices of companies throughout the country. According to the Applicant Guide at least 50% of the target group are going to be persons above 54 years of age and or with secondary education or lower. With the project "Salamandar ASO" OOD is going to provide vocational training for the qualification "Physical security of sites" for 96 employees and employees in security services, vocational training for the speciality "Business Administration" for 5 of its own Employees employed in the administration of the company. In addition, there is also training for 10 English staff, 5 of whom will be trained only in English Language. In addition English language training for 15 employees is also planned. Expected results are related with the project's objectives and the two activities planned: - acquired or improved qualification of 861010 Security, speciality 8610103 "Physical security of sites" of 96 employees; - improved foreign language competence (English) for 1o employees; - improved opportunities of career development; - improved quality and sustainability of jobs
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 12 Feb, 2018 |
End date | 12 Sep, 2019 |
Contract date | 12 Feb, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 207,680.00 |
Grant | 207,680.00 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 207,680.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |