Enhancing the the skills of VP Brands International employees according to the current business needs by providing vocational training to acquire or enhance professional qualifications as well as training to acquire key competencies.

Nowadays achieving higher labor productivity and a more competitive and efficient workforce requires the implementation of innovative forms of capacity building for human resources. The most valuable capital for a company is the human one. Therefore, actions to update the knowledge, skills and competencies of the workforce as well as the promotion of flexible learning processes are of particular importance to the company and its development. The purpose of Procedure BG05M9OP001-1.021 "Employee Training" - COMPONENT II is to increase the ability of employees to meet the rapid changes in the labor market due to structural factors such as globalization, technological change, aging. This project proposal is fully in line with this objective as it aims for the provision of training necessary for the persons included in the target group and identified after a training needs assessment. The present project proposal is also fully in line with the updated Employment Strategy of the Republic of Bulgaria 2013-2020, adopted by the Council of Ministers on October 09, 2013, task 3.1 Increasing the quality of the workforce according to the requirements of the workplaces and for increasing the labor productivity, sub-task 3.1.4. Developing forms and encouraging participation in lifelong learning. The main activities of the project are: 1. Organization and management of the project (including information and communication); 2. Providing vocational training to acquire or enhance the professional qualification of employed persons; 3. Provide training for Key Competences for Employees under the European Qualifications Framework on Key Competence 2 "Communication in Foreign Languages", Key Competence 4 "Digital Competence".

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 01 Jun, 2018
End date 01 Jun, 2019
Contract date 26 Feb, 2018
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 80,850.00
Grant 80,850.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 80,850.00
EU participation percent 85.0%


South Central (BG42)