Conducting trainings of employees in" USIS "Ltd

The project "Conducting trainings of employees in" YUSIS "Ltd. has a duration of 10 months and aims to by investing in increasing of the capacity of the employees to increase productivity and quality of work and working labour , as well as the competitiveness of the business domesticaly and particualry at Jussis OOD. Specific objectives: * Acquisition of professional qualification of part of the employees in order to increase the quality of the service offered by JUSIS OOD; * Enhance the linguistic key competencies of part of the employees; * Increasing the knowledge and skills of the employees, taking into consideration the current needs of the company and the business as a whole, will increase the productivity of their work and create conditions for sustainable employment and respectively employment of better jobs; * Improving the personal qualities, knowledge and skills of people with low education and / or over 54 years of age * Implementation in practice of the principle of lifelong learning; In order to achieve the above objectives, the following activities will be carried out: Activity 1 Providing profecional training for employed persons As a result of this activity there will be trained 60 (sixty) occupants wiht occupation “Security guard” specialty "Physical Security of Sites" (code 8610103) - part of the third degree 600 lection hours Activity 2 Provide language training for employed persons As a result, fifty five persons will undergo training on key competency 2 "Communication in foreign languages" - English language courses, 3 levels of study, 300 lection hours. As a result, 60 employees will acquire professional qualifications and 55 of them will acquire language key competences, with at least 50 of them shall be persons with a lower education degree than ISCED 4 and / or persons over 54 of age.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 28 Mar, 2018
End date 28 Jan, 2019
Contract date 28 Mar, 2018
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 116,600.00
Grant 116,600.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 116,600.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
