Improving the quality of social work in social services for children - higher capacity and guarantee of sustainability for Child and Space Association

Child and Space Association (CSA) is an NGO with nearly ten years of experience as a provider of social services for children at risk and their families. At present, the CSA manages 9 social services in and is an employer of 82 persons - qualified specialists and care staff who provide care for children with severe physical, mental and mental disabilities. In line with its mission-to develop the interdisciplinary approach in the field of childcare and support the specialists in this field, the Association registered a Center for Vocational Training (VTC) with identical BULSTAT Unified Identification Code (UIC)" (License № 201012839 / 3.05.2010 ). Within the CVT the activities under this project will be implemented. As a responsible employer, the CSA identifies a continuous need to raise the knowledge and competence of its employees for the extremely difficult and work, such as caring for children with disabilities. Therefore, the main objective of this project is the acquisition of a new professional qualification by persons employed on different positions in CSA services. The target group includes 29 employees in different social services. It is divided into two sub-groups, according to the level of education and qualification of the employed persons and the positions they currently occupy. According to these initial characteristics, the activities - 3 trainings courses for acquiring professional qualification in two professions - "Social Workers Associate" and "Social Assistant" are envisaged. As a result, the CSA will have more competent staff providing care for children with severe disabilities. This will contribute to the sustainability of the Association as an employer and the acquired qualification will give new opportunities for occupying better jobs and, accordingly, higher salaries for employees. Last but not least, children at risk and their families will receive a more competent and quality social service in their best interest.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 02 Apr, 2018
End date 02 Apr, 2019
Contract date 27 Feb, 2018
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 52,140.00
Grant 52,140.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 42,900.00
EU participation percent 85.0%


North and South East Bulgaria (BG3)