Conducting professional training and training on key competencies at KONCRET STIL

With the implementation of the project, KONCRET STIL plans to train 11 of its employees to acquire the professional and key competencies needed to fulfill their work tasks, which will improve the quality of their workplaces increase the competencies of their employees and improve productivity. The project proposal of KONCRET STIL is a set of activities and measures to achieve the goals set in the project - increasing the capabilities, skills and competencies of the employees, by acquiring professional qualification and key competencies in line with the current needs of the business, developing in the priority area of the procedure, as well as of KONCRET STIL in particular. The general and specific objectives of the project will be achieved through the implementation of the following activities: Activity 1 - Providing vocational training for acquiring or improving the professional qualification of the persons employed in KONCRET STIL by profession Construction-installer, specialty Metal constructions Activity 2 - Providing training for the acquisition of key competencies of persons employed by KONCRET STIL on Key Competence 2 "Communication in foreign languages" - English language At the time of implementation of the project, the activities are allocated in this way - a total period for implementation of the project 8 months (1st month conducting of a selection procedure for a contractor, 2 to 5 month - conducting of vocational training, 6 month conducting of a selection procedure for a contractor from 6 to 8 month - conducting the training on key competences and reporting of the project). As a result of the implementation of the project activities, it is expected within the procedure to increase the adequacy of the skills of the persons in accordance with the current needs of KONCRET STIL, as well as to create conditions for increasing the productivity of the labor for more sustainable employment.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 22 Feb, 2018
End date 22 Oct, 2018
Contract date 22 Feb, 2018
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 20,900.00
Grant 20,900.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 19,580.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
