As the majority of the companies nowadays, Global Marketing Ltd. is experiencing a continuous shortage of qualified personnel. In the area in which the company operates, this problem is particularly pronounced as far as the merchandising at the point of sale, is not studied in the secondary schools. Having in mind this reason and in order to offer efficient services to its clients, the company needs to constantly train its employees. The employees' attestation in the company is tied to their performance based on the internal company requirements for the quality of the work and is assessed through the so-called "Success rate". For the professional performance of its employees' duties, the company is organizing with its own funds trainings. The implementation of this project will contribute to the increase of the capacity of the 72 employees of Global Marketing Ltd. to meet the changes in the labor market. The specific objectives of the project are: Specific objective 1: 1 employed person over 54 with acquired professional qualification and key competencies; Specific Objective 2: At least 50 percent of 72 employees with secondary or lower education who have acquired new knowledge and skills. The objectives of the project will be achieved through the following main activities: 1. Providing a professional qualification for a part of a second qualification degree: "Marketing Assistant", specialty "Marketing Research" 2. Key Competence 4. "Digital Competence" and "Work with Specialized Software"; Improving the skills of the employed people will have a positive impact in a wider economic and social aspect. Improving the skills of 72 employees in Global Marketing Ltd. will lead to better career opportunities for them, better remuneration and will expand their professional potential. Through this project, the company will receive free support for its development through investing in human resources which will help and guarantee its competitiveness.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 28 Feb, 2018 |
End date | 28 Feb, 2019 |
Contract date | 28 Feb, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 67,320.00 |
Grant | 67,320.00 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 65,065.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |