Conducting trainings of employees in "Leonardo "Ltd

Project "Conducting trainings of employees in "Leonardo"Ltd " has a duration of 15 months and aims to by investmetns in increasing the capacity of the employees to increase the productivity and quality of the labor and workforce as well as the competitiveness of the business in the country and moreover in "Leonardo" LTD. Specific goals: * Acquiring professional qualification of part of the employees in order to increase the quality of the service offered by "Leonardo" LTD in accordance with the requirements of the practice and the European quality criteria; * Enhance the linguistic key competencies of some of the employees; * Increasing the knowledge and skills of the employees, taking into consideration the current needs of the company and the business as a whole, will increase the productivity of their work and create conditions for sustainable employment and respectively employment of better quality jobs; * Improving the personal qualities, knowledge and skills of people with low education and / or over 54 years; * Implementation of the principle of lifelong learning in practice. In order to achieve the above mentioned objectives, the following activities will be carried out: Activity 1 Providing profesional training for the employed persons 10 (ten) employees will be trained as a result of this activity, incl. by "Profession 725010 Ophthalmologist Specialty 7250101 Eye Optics" - 9 persons, and "Profession 342020" Marketing Specialist "Specialty 3420201 "Marketing Studies" - 1 person Activity 2 Provide language training for employed persons As a result, 67 persons will undergo training in key competency. 2 "Communication in foreign languages" - English, Russian and Romanian, each with 3 levels of study, 300 lection hours As a result, 76 employees will acquire professional qualifications and language key competences, with at least 40 of them having a lower education level than ISCED 4 and / or persons over 54.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 01 Apr, 2018
End date 30 Jun, 2019
Contract date 23 Feb, 2018
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 70,730.00
Grant 70,730.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 50,380.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
