The project will be implemented in the candidate's business premises. The staff capacity is 20 persons, 90% of whom do not have the necessary professional qualification - the main cause of work difficulties, demotivation, high turnover of staff and making work a difficult task. The project includes 20 representatives from the target group of employees: 18 with a secondary or lower level of education, including 3 persons over the age of 54 and 2 persons with higher education. Our main goal is to develop the skills for an adequate response to the participants of the target group of the modern dynamic changes in the requirements to the work force and the current needs of JUTA COMMERCE LTD by applying the qualification and Key competences 2 and 4 trainings. The specific objectives for its achievement are: 1.Education of the professional skills of 18 employees with secondary or lower level of education through training in "Sales consultant" profession; 2. Providing flexible processes and equal access to lifelong learning for all ages and different educational groups in the enterprise; 3.To achieve better integration in the work environment, sustainable employment and better quality jobs by involving 10 key target group trainings in key competences. The following activities will be performed: 1. Providing vocational training for acquiring professional qualification of employed persons 2.Training to acquire key competencies of employees according to the European Qualifications Framework As a result, 18 persons will be successfully trained in the "Sales Consultant" profession, 8 of them in Key Competency 4 "Digital Competence" and 2 Persons with a Higher Education in Key Competency 2 "Communication in Foreign Languages".

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 26 Feb, 2018
End date 26 Oct, 2018
Contract date 26 Feb, 2018
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 27,500.00
Grant 27,500.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 26,180.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
