The project proposal is aimed at improving labor productivity and creating sustainable employment in Creations - E Ltd. through activities providing training`s for: 20 employees of key competence 2 "Communication in foreign languages"; other 40 employees of key competency 4 "Digital Competence"; 60 workers who have undergone vocational training for the acquisition of a second degree of professional qualification in the profession "Operator in the clothing industry" code 542050, specialty "Manufacture of wearing apparel from textile" code 5420501. The training's will be carried out by a selected contractor under the provisions of the LMFESIF and MCD 160 / 01.07.2016. Successful graduates of persons with confirmed presence of at least 80% of the number of hours of relevant training and passed a final test / state exam will receive a relevant document certifying completed training. The project training`s, which are fully in line with the needs of the company, will cover employees who work in the production facilities of the company in the towns of Belene and Elena. Employees in Creations - E Ltd. are a total of 84, of which 84 (100%) have a lower education level than ISCED and 24 (29%) are over 54 years of age. The project target group includes 60 persons employed, of which 100% have completed a lower education level than ISCED. In order to successfully achieve the set of project indicators and results, organizational and management; information and communication activities are also envisaged. Through planned project training`s, in the long run, the ability of employees in the company to meet the rapid changes in the labor market in the garment industry as a result of intensive technological changes and the modernization of the sector and the ever-increasing demands of consumers will be enhanced. In the project activities are covered and the 3 mandatory horizontal principle OPHRD 2014-2020.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 01 Mar, 2018 |
End date | 30 Jun, 2019 |
Contract date | 26 Feb, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 105,600.00 |
Grant | 105,600.00 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 99,275.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |