Enhancement of qualification by conducting employee training at United East Trade Company Ltd.

This project proposal aims to increase the employability of the United States Trade Company Ltd by providing training to enhance the professional qualification and acquisition of Key Competence 4 "Digital Competence". Training will be provided for a total of 10 employees and 2 self-employed with the aim of increasing their skills, which will have a positive impact in a wider economic and social context. Improving skills contributes to the successful realization of people in the labor market, to their retention and especially to the enhancement of their career development opportunities. More than 50% of the target group in the enterprise has completed a lower education level than ISCED 4 (do not have higher than average education). The main activity of United East Trade Company Ltd. is retail trade and production of textiles and haberdashery. Persons from the target group are assigned to the following positions: "Supplier Provider", "Male Female Clothing Tailor", "Machine Stitch Operator", "Tailor", "Sales Consultant" and two self-employed "Manager". The following training courses will be provided: Professional Designer Speciality Fashion Design - the third qualification degree - for 5 persons from the target group; Profession "Economist", subject "Economics and Management" - third qualification degree - for 6 persons from the target group; Profession "Machine Technician", Speciality "Machinery and equipment in the textile, footwear and woodworking" - third qualification degree - for 1 person from the target group. The target group will also be involved in Key Competency 4 "Digital Competence" training, with 6 of them being trained to acquire skills for working with a design and clothing design software and 6 of them will undergo training on processing Documents in MsWord and MsExcel.

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Status Terminated (termination date)
Start date 09 Mar, 2018
End date 09 May, 2019
Contract date 09 Mar, 2018
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 27,060.00
Grant 27,060.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
