KANDILAROV IMDL OOD is a leading medical diagnostic laboratory, where more than 2000 types of qualitative and quantitative laboratory tests are carried out in the field of hematology, biochemistry, immunology, oncology, virology, microbiology, parasitism, genetics etc. The development of human health welfare as a knowledge sector, the need for rapid introduction of innovative methods, technologies and equipment for medical and diagnostic activities, including information and communication technologies, necessitate continuous improvement of the employees' professional competences and their suitability to perform their duties in accordance with the highest international quality standards. To achieve this, they need a high level of foreign language skills, which will facilitate their access to scientific publications, communication with foreign colleagues and partners, as well as with the patients who are served by the laboratory, who are foreign citizens living in Bulgaria. Any support for the employers, through the BG05M9OP001-1.021 "Employee Training" procedure, which aims to enhance the ability of employees to face the emerging labour market changes resulting from globalization, technological changes and the aging of the population, will contribute to solving the problems of sustainable employment, responding to the current needs of the business. The activities included in this current project proposal of the applicant are directed towards increasing the adequacy of the knowledge, skills and competence of company employees, namely: 1.Provide English language training - Key Competence 2 "Foreign language teaching", according to the European Qualifications Framework to 102 labour agreement employees at KANDILAROV IMDL OOD. 2.Information and communication measures. 3.Project organization and management.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 21 Feb, 2018 |
End date | 21 Dec, 2018 |
Contract date | 21 Feb, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 78,540.00 |
Grant | 78,540.00 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 75,460.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |