"Papas-Oil" as a socially responsible company has always sought to ensure the best possible working conditions for its employees. The enterprise has a priority economic activity and is engaged in the production of refined oils and fats. The sector in which the company operates is in a fast-growing and dynamic industry and therefore needs to have qualified staff to perform its duties in a quality way. The company has more than twenty years of history, evolving continuously, and one of the essential prerequisites for success is experienced and qualified personnel. That is why it is important for the company to develop its human resources. The project will aim to provide an opportunity to improve the knowledge and skills of the employees of Papas-olio AD. After passing the training, individuals will increase the adequacy of their skills to the current needs of the business. In this way positive results will be achieved both in their adaptation to the working conditions and in the objectives of this procedure. Within the framework of the project, training for the acquisition of a professional degree and training in Key Competence for a total of 39 persons working in the company is envisaged and the expected results from their transition are: - To increase the adequacy of the employees' skills according to the current needs of the business; - To increase the productivity of their work, and - To create conditions for sustainable employment and respectively the employment of better quality jobs. Improving the necessary skills contributes to the successful realization of the people in the labor market, to their retention and especially to the enhancement of their career development opportunities.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 23 Feb, 2018 |
End date | 23 Jul, 2019 |
Contract date | 23 Feb, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 53,240.00 |
Grant | 53,240.00 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 41,690.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |