Candidate for the project proposal is INTEXTRED Ltd. and its partner is "PERSONAL TRAINING" Ltd. with its Center for Professional Training. INTEXTRED is a medium-sized enterprise with the main activity "Production of outerwear excluding work apparel", which is primarily export oriented. The partner - PERSONAL TRAINING has an active license from 15.11.2013, as well as considerable experience in providing professional training to acquire or enhance professional qualifications. The aim of the project is to organize and conduct training for the upgrading of the employees’ qualification in INTEXTRED and PERSONAL TRAINING. It is foreseen that the partner will carry out part of the professional training of employees from the enterprise of the candidate in the following specialties, code 5421101 Tailoring - 1st degree - 27 people, code 3440301 Bookkeeping - ІІІ degree - 2 persons and one person under code 3451204 Economy and management- ІІІ degree. Outsourcing contractors will be assigned a part of the professional training of employees of the candidate - specialty 5420501 Manufacture of textile apparel - II degree (56 persons), 5420401 Textile clothing design, modelling and technology - III degree - 4 people and 20 people learning key competences - English. An outsourcer will also be instructed to train 2 employees of the partner in key competence - English. Significantly over 50% of the target group of employees in the applicant's and partner's enterprises have no higher than secondary education or are over 54 years of age. As a result of the training project, the employees of the applicant's and partner's businesses will be better able to fulfill their official commitments, increase their productivity and quality of work, have more sustainable employment, will have the opportunity to take on more quality work occupations and receive higher incomes. The image and competitiveness of the applicant and his partner will also increase.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 27 Mar, 2018
End date 30 Jun, 2019
Contract date 27 Mar, 2018
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 122,540.00
Grant 122,540.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 63,140.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
