The implementation of the present project proposal is essential for the employees assigned to an employment relationship at "St. Anna" - Sofia University Hospital because it is aimed at solving a significant problem for them - increasing the ability of the persons employed in the company to meet the coming Rapid changes in the labor market and the current needs of target health establishments.In order to increase adaptability to changing living and working conditions, and in line with the established needs and the position occupied by each of the individuals in this project, the need arises to provide key competences and, in particular, English language training. The need to provide key competency training is high, as a large part of the staff employed in the medical institution does not have the necessary knowledge of English. In addition to ensuring normal communication between staff and foreign patients accommodated in the hospital, the need to provide training is also essential for the acquisition of basic medical terminology. As a result of the implementation of this project, 500 employees of "St. Anna" - Sofia JSC will undergo training for key competency 2 "Communication in foreign languages", as a result of which their adequacy and skills will be increased in accordance with the current needs of the medical centre. This in turn will lead to increased labor productivity, creating conditions for sustainable employment and better jobs. Providing appropriate skills and competences are fundamental to retaining and enhancing career development opportunities for employees in the company. None of the employees included in this project proposal has completed the planned training for another project and / or program financed under the HRD OP, the state budget or any other public source.
Status | In execution (starting date) |
Start date | 26 Mar, 2018 |
End date | 30 Dec, 2019 |
Contract date | 26 Mar, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 385,000.00 |
Grant | 385,000.00 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 226,380.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |