The project proposal reffer to the needs of target terms of quick and easy adaptaton to the increased demands of the labor market as a result of ICT technolog and demographic changes,through a generally higher qualification and the labor market,social cohesion in terms of Their socio-economic status and develo.,while being an expression of the need for a skilled workforce tailored to the actual needs of the particular employer in order to raise the level and productive TTAof employees as a guarantee for the successful development of the company.Last but not least,the aim of the project is to reveal further prospects for the target group for career development,ensuring sustainable employ.and stable income.This will be done through the acquisition of profess.qualification and key competences by15 representatives of the target group of employees of the Candidate and the Partner by performing the following activities:Activity1-Providing;Action2-Providing training to acquire KC;Target audience:A total of 15persons,13of them employed on a labor contract and 2self-employed,employees of the applicant and the project partner working in the priority sector under the Guidelines for application under scheme, sectors based on knowledge,high technologies in ICT in Sofia city and the town of Gabrovo.of one micro and one small enterprise working in the following activities:in the priority sector"High-tech sectors"-Code62.02Consultancy Information Technology-11persons and in the Priority sector"Knowledge-based economic sectors"-Code66.29Other auxiliary activities in insurance and supplementary pension insurance-4persons.Expected results:Employed persons who have acquired prof. qualifications - a total of 15persons,13of them employed on a labor contract and 2self-employed persons;Employees who have successfully completed K2's "Communication in a Foreign Language" in German(A1,A2andC1 levels)-a total of 15persons,13of them employed and 2self-employed
Status | Terminated (termination date) |
Start date | 01 Mar, 2018 |
End date | 30 Jun, 2019 |
Contract date | 27 Feb, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 41,250.00 |
Grant | 41,250.00 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 0.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |