Trainigs for working people at MARKZVET - ILIEVI S-IE

The project proposal expresses and satisfies the needs of the target group in terms of providing employment, stable incomes, increased qualification and competitiveness in the labor market, social cohesion in terms of their socio-economic status and development, while expressing the need for a skilled workforce Tailored to the real needs of the employer, in order to increase the competitiveness and productivity of the employees as a guarantee for the successful development of the company. The plan is for this to happen through the acquisition of professional qualification and key competences by 8 representatives from the target group of Marcvette Ilievi's employees through the following activities: Activity 1 - Providing vocational training; Action 2 - Providing training to acquire key competences; Target audience: A total of 8 employees, of which 7 are employed and one self-employed person, with at least 50% of them being in the "over 54 year old" category, employees of Marcvette Ilievi SD, a small enterprise working in the sphere of Hotels with KID 55.10. Expected results: Employed persons who have acquired professional qualification - at least 8 persons; Employees who have successfully completed training on CC2 "Communication in a foreign language" - a minimum of 8 persons;

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Status Terminated (termination date)
Start date 01 Mar, 2018
End date 30 May, 2019
Contract date 28 Feb, 2018
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 22,000.00
Grant 22,000.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
