According to the data of the Bulgarian Ministry of Economy, the Food production sector covers about 14% of industrial production in the country and accounts at about 14% of value added in the industry. The industry provides employment for 80.4 thousand people (15% of those employed in the manufacturing industry). Nevertheless, the wage level in the sector is one of the lowest - the average monthly remuneration amount is BGN 540. The Production in the sector accounts 7.09 billion BGN. In 2013 the turnover of the exported production is BGN 2.06 bn. In the domestic market, the sector has generated production for BGN 6.25 bn. In this regard, the project proposal "Enhancing the Competitiveness of the Employees at Food Production on the European Labor Market through Professional Vocational Training" aims to take advantage of the industry growth trends increasing the professional qualification of the employed in the sector, which creates real preconditions for increasing their remuneration and living standard. Ensuring adequate training in third qualification degree, considering the needs and requirements of the organization, will increase the attractiveness and competitiveness of the employees on the labor market. Vocational training provides higher, more quality and longer-term employment that contributes to human resources development and enhances their motivation and engagement with the company's goals. Upgrading the knowledge, skills and competencies of the workforce by encouraging flexible lifelong learning processes will contribute to increasing the productivity, competitiveness and adaptability of Sofia Banitsa Ltd. and its partners to the economic conditions in the country.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 01 May, 2018 |
End date | 01 Jun, 2019 |
Contract date | 02 Apr, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 52,800.00 |
Grant | 36,960.00 |
Self finance | 15,840.00 |
Total paid | 34,440.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |