Improving access to employment and expertise of employees in the "Complex 2000" Ltd.

The overall objective of the project proposal is in line with the focus of the procedure, namely to increase the ability of employees to meet the rapid changes in the labor market resulting from structural factors such as globalization, technological change and population aging by providing specific training for the employees of COMPLEX 2000 LTD. The specific objectives of the project are: - Providing prerequisites for the career development of inactive and unemployed people, who wish to start professional development, by providing modern specific trainings tailored to the real needs of COMPLEX 2000 LTD; - Providing continuing specific training for the staff of COMPLEX 2000 LTD; - increasing the knowledge and skills of employed and newly employed (unemployed / inactive) persons in the company; - providing non-subsidized employment for unemployed / inactive persons in COMPLEX 2000 LTD. The project will provide the expected results through the following activities: - Include an inactive / unemployed person in the workplace specific training. - Inclusion in specialized foreign language training for 1 inactive / unemployed person and 11 employees. - Involve 15 employees in work-specific training sessions. - Inclusion of successfully completed training 2 inactive / unemployed persons in non-subsidized employment at "Complex 2000" Ltd. The project "Improving access to employment and the expertise of the employees in" Complex 2000 "Ltd." is in line with the objectives set in Priority Axis 1: "Improving Access to Employment and Quality of Work" of the OP HRD, respectively Investment Priority No 3, Specific Objectives 1 and 3, as well as Investment Priority No 6, Specific Objectives 1 and 3. The implementation of this project proposal will complete the efforts of OP HRD in the context of the defined vision and strategy for achieving concrete effective results for the period 2014-2020.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 16 Apr, 2018
End date 16 Sep, 2019
Contract date 05 Apr, 2018
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 89,622.30
Grant 80,660.07
Self finance 8,962.23
Total paid 80,575.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
