New chance for employee development at Grafixoft Ltd.

Grafixoft Ltd. is a Bulgarian company operating in the global market offering quality IT services and products, ready-made software or standard complex solutions oriented mainly to business users. In order to achieve its goals in the dynamic IT environment, the corporate management believes that people are the most valuable resource that needs to be constantly developed and motivated. For this purpose, the company wants to include 44 employees in the training, as well as 2 inactive / unemployed people up to 29 years of age. The activities to be implemented throughout the project are: - Inclusion of inactive / unemployed people in training specific to the workplace - 2 people under 29 years of age. - Inclusion in specialized foreign language courses for the relevant positions of inactive and / or unemployed and / or employed - 21 people already employed in the company will be trained in technical English and technical German - Inclusion of employees in training specific to the workplace - 7 training sessions will be organized including training for 35 employees, which will be tailored to their position in the company. - Inclusion of successfully completed inactive / unemployed trainees (with acquired certificate / certificate) in non-subsidized employment in the company - at least 50% of the unemployed / inactive people who have successfully completed the course provided for under the project will have labor contracts for period of 6 months. Grafixoft will keep at least 50% of the target group's inactive / unemployed up to 29 years of age in the operation and who have successfully completed the training for a period of 6 months after the project has ended. The direct costs of the project amount to BGN 106 346.20. An indirect cost of 10% will be charged. Duration: 16 months

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 16 Apr, 2018
End date 16 Aug, 2019
Contract date 23 Mar, 2018
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 116,980.82
Grant 105,282.74
Self finance 11,698.08
Total paid 105,282.74
EU participation percent 85.0%
