Improving the quality of the jobs at CORPOREX BG INSURANCE BROKER Ltd. by providing specific training

The project "Improving the quality of the jobs in" CORPOREX BG INSURANCE BROKER "Ltd., by providing specific training" has as main objective "to increase the productivity of the work in" CORPOREX BG INSURANCE BROKER" Ltd., by providing the opportunity for specific company and workplace training and creating sustainable employment for current and newly recruited staff ". To achieve the overall goal, the following Specific Objectives are formulated: 1. To provide the opportunity to create new specific knowledge and skills of a total of 26 employees in "CORPOREX BG INSURANCE BROKER" Ltd. in a perspective area for professional realization, such as insurance. 2. Provide conditions for sustainable employment and professional realization of 2 young people up to 29 years of age in the field of insurance. These objectives will be achieved through the following activities: 1. Conducting training for specialized insurance software 2. Ensure sustainable employment of unemployed/inactive youths up to 29 years of age. By implementing these activities the following results will be achieved: 1) One of the leading insurance brokers in Sofia will raise the specific skills of the employees; A total of 25 persons - 23 of the current staff and 2 new entrants occupying two of the positions in the company will undergo a specific training - Training for specialized insurance software. 3) As a result of the implementation of the project activities, it will ensure sustainable employment and greater competitiveness of the labor market people responding to the needs of the business in the field of insurance.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 26 Apr, 2018
End date 26 Nov, 2018
Contract date 26 Apr, 2018
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 82,856.26
Grant 74,570.63
Self finance 8,285.63
Total paid 74,478.42
EU participation percent 85.0%
