Conduction of specific trainings in Devision OOD

The project will be implemented according to Component 1. The main objective is to increase the productivity of the employees of Devision Ltd. and to create suitable conditions for adaptation and sustainable employment by conducting specific and specialized foreign language trainings to strengthen the knowledge and skills of employees specific to the current workplace in the enterprise, training for the future job and providing employment to an unemployed / non-working person. Funding under the project will provide specific and specialized language training for Devision Ltd., which is a business enterprise based on high technology code 72 Research and Development (in particular NACE Code 2008-72.19). The project envisages activities to include: - 1 inactive / unemployed person in training specific to the specific workplace; - 16 employees at Devision Ltd. in specialized foreign language training for the respective positions; - 24 employees in work-specific training sessions; - 1 has successfully completed the inactive / unemployed training course at Devision Ltd. The problems and needs that the project addresses are the lower labor productivity of the employees, the difficulties in communicating a foreign language with clients and partners, the need to adapt to the specific requirements of the workplace of newcomers in the company. The implementation of the activities will contribute to the following results: - increased labor productivity, quality of employment of employees and more sustainable employment on the basis of acquired new and advanced knowledge and skills, qualification; - improved communication with foreign clients, working with documents in a foreign language; -Sustainable entry into the labor market of an unemployed / inactive person and successful adaptation to the future job, acquisition of knowledge and skills resulting from the specifics of the production process, -conditions for sustainable employment in the enterprise.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 24 Apr, 2018
End date 24 Mar, 2019
Contract date 24 Apr, 2018
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 105,080.00
Grant 73,556.00
Self finance 31,524.00
Total paid 73,556.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
