"Integrated Programme for Specific Trainings in ETEM Bulgaria SA"

The project is aimed at increasing labor productivity and adaptability of 185 employees in ETEM Bulgaria EAD, as well as creating conditions for sustainable employment by providing opportunities for work-processed and jobs tailored training. The project is planned to implement the following specific trainings, covering all manufacturing and business processes in the company: 1. Commercial training for adapting, building and developing skills for work, communication and sales in an increasingly globalized economy and changed industrial environment. 2. Business development training for adapting, building and developing employees' skills for business planning and development in a globalized and dynamic economic environment. 3. Managerial training to adapt, build and develop employees' skills to challenge leadership and motivation in a dynamic business environment. 4. Human resource development training for the adaptation, upgrading and development of staff skills for the selection, retention and management of human resources in a dynamic economic environment and the challenges of the modern labor market. 5. Language training in English, Greek and German to adapt, upgrade and develop the communication skills of employees in an environment of dynamic communication with foreign partners, colleagues and clients. 6. Production trainings to adapt, upgrade and develop the specific production skills of employees in a highly innovative and dynamic production environment with high added value. The implementation of the project will improve the quality of the workforce and create conditions for sustainable employment of the company's employees by providing modern and quality training tailored to the real needs of the employer.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 04 Jul, 2018
End date 04 Jul, 2019
Contract date 04 Jul, 2018
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 167,970.00
Grant 117,579.00
Self finance 50,391.00
Total paid 112,036.54
EU participation percent 85.0%
