New horizons for the unemployed, inactive and employed persons in the Southwest region by providing services and training in entrepreneurship and business

Project will be implemented by "Cultural Heritage Institute" with the support of stakeholders - local authorities, business incubators, socio-economic organizations. Entrepreneurship is one of the main priorities of the European Commission. Promoting independent economic activities has been identified as a key prerequisite for innovation and creating more value added in the economy. One of the main challenges facing the Bulgarian labor market is the lack of proper training of future entrepreneurs. This project aims to give new horizons for the development of unemployed and employees, incl. and young people by providing a range of services and training in entrepreneurship and business, and finding appropriate sources of funding to start their own business and self-employment. The project will realize its activities in the territory of all districts in the Southwest region. The target group of the project incl. unemployed and inactive workers, incl. youngsters up to 29, total of 140 persons wishing to start their own business. Over 70% from the total target group will be unemployed and / or inactive, incl. youths under 29. The expected results are related to the indicator result and provides 50 persons to be participants in self-employment upon leaving the program. Promoting entrepreneurship and developing quality business plans by which the individuals apply for funding will create new jobs. Thanks for consulting services will achieve sustainability of newly founded businesses. This project proposal is in line with the OP "Human Resources Development" 2014-2020, through an "Action Plan" Entrepreneurship 2020 "EU strategy" Europe 2020 ", municipal and regional development plans in South-west region. The project will contributes to achieving the objectives in the field of employment and combating poverty and social exclusion.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 01 Sep, 2018
End date 01 Aug, 2019
Contract date 04 Apr, 2018
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 140,140.00
Grant 140,140.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 134,969.14
EU participation percent 85.0%


South-West (BG41)