Developing own business is identified as a key prerequisite for the economic development of Bulgaria. In the north-eastern region (NER), the self-employed are only 8% of the population, while young people up to 29 years are barely 2%, which indicates that the potential for development in this direction is not yet fully exploited. Therefore, the aim of the current project proposal is to provide a support to 84 unemployed, inactive and employed young people up to 29 years old from NER: Varna, Shumen, Dobrich and Targovishte, willing to set up their own companies, through trainings and consulting. The aim will be achieved through implementation of the following main activities: 1. Information and motivation for development of own business and fostering entrepreneurship; 2. Providing trainings for development of own business and fostering entrepreneurship; 3. Providing consulting services. The identified target groups of the project proposal are: people willing to start own business, in particular unemployed, inactive and employed under 29 years old. RAPIV aims to boost the employment rates in NER by ensuring the creation of new jobs through self-employment of at least 29 persons from the target group through information and motivation activities, trainings and consulting. The project will achieve the following results: - Increased awareness and motivation for self-employment among 270 persons from the target group; - Increased knowledge and skills among 84 persons from the target group after their participation in specialized trainings; - Increased knowledge and skills among 46 persons from the target group after conducting specialized consultations; - Achieved self-employment and starting a business from 29 persons from the target group. The project duration is 24 months.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 29 Jun, 2018 |
End date | 19 Aug, 2020 |
Contract date | 15 May, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 146,157.24 |
Grant | 146,157.24 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 70,012.01 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |